Novas Angels

The Harmony For Humanity Project

The Harmony for Humanity Project was undertaken with the aim of finding sustainable solutions to assist the less privileged orphanages. This project was a collaboration between Novas Angels and all people across the world, all united in their dedication to creating a greener and more sustainable future for the kids at the orphanages. The project spanned several months and involved extensive research, development, and implementation efforts.


  1. Develop a system that efficiently sees the betterment of the kids
  2. Minimize the environmental impact that makes them feel like aliens among their peers.
  3. Enhance their livelihood by providing them with some domestic benefits
  4. Put smiles on the kids’ faces.

Research and Development

The project began with an in-depth analysis of various orphanages. The research team evaluated the efficiency, scalability, and environmental impact of each orphanage to identify the most suitable one for implementation. Extensive research was conducted to ensure the chosen orphanage met the desired criteria ; which was Life is Jesus orphanage home located in Ejisu.


A letter was sent to the selected orphanage making enquiries of what they need most. A feedback was given and it was projected. Funds from various donors across the world; some giving pampers, cooking oil, rice, drinks, money and many other things. To ensure the success of the project, we asked for the day that was suitable for us to visit and we were given 26th of August,2023.

Furthermore, we set off on the said date and the kids and the founders of the orphanage were all ready to welcome us. All items requested were given and we had a word with the founder before we set off.



Our objectives were successfully met. One of the most important objectives was to put smiles on the children’s faces, and we were able to do so through the help of Nova’s Angels and all donors across the world.