Novas Angels

THE RELIEF PROJECT: A Food Donation Drive That Fed 150 Kids at Accra, Circle


In a world where food insecurity remains a pressing issue, acts of kindness and generosity shine as beacons of hope. Accra Circle, a vibrant and bustling neighborhood in Ghana’s capital, Accra, recently witnessed a heartwarming event that brought smiles to the faces of 150 underprivileged children. This blog sheds light on a remarkable food donation initiative that not only filled empty stomachs but also warmed hearts in the community.

The Initiative

It all began with a simple idea – the idea that NOVA’S ANGELS FOUNDATION could make a tangible difference in the lives of those less fortunate. A group of volunteers, driven by a shared vision of addressing food insecurity in Accra Circle, decided to organize a food donation drive. 


The preparation for this noble endeavor involved meticulous planning and coordination. We collaborated with friends, family and social media followers to gather resources and support for the initiative. Donations in the form of non-perishable food items, fresh produce, and monetary contributions poured in from both individuals and businesses. 

The Big Day

The day of the food donation drive finally arrived, and the excitement in the air was palpable. The volunteers, armed with boxes of food and a strong sense of purpose, gathered at a designated location in Accra Circle. Local residents and curious passersby soon joined in, creating an atmosphere of unity and camaraderie.

The donated items included cooked delicious, drinks and water. The volunteers queued the kids up and began organizing the donations for distribution. The children, eagerly awaiting their meals, watched in anticipation.

Feeding Hope

As the food distribution began, the smiles on the children’s faces were priceless. Each child received a nutritious meal, lovingly prepared by volunteers. The hot meals provided a comforting respite from their daily struggles with hunger. In addition to nourishing their bodies, the food donation drive also nurtured their spirits.

Beyond the immediate relief of hunger, the event also highlighted the importance of community support. The children and their families felt seen and valued, knowing that their neighbors cared for their well-being.


The food donation drive in Accra, Circle was more than just a charitable act; it was a testament to the power of community and compassion. It served as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, people can come together to make a positive impact on the lives of others. In the case of this initiative, it was 150 children whose hearts were warmed, and whose hunger was temporarily quelled, thanks to the selfless efforts of a few caring individuals.